Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How can we increase self confidence

I often thought if I had one question to ask God about others
"I would ask Him to reveal to me what is the best way to help people discover the greatness they behold in their hearts because most people dont recognize how special they are!

We are all unique one of a kind and that alone makes us all special!
The word of God says we are God's own masterpiece created in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:10 Chosen and predestined!
Blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!
and one of my favorites "As Christ is so are we in this world"
How is Christ?
is He sick?
is he poor?
is he wise?
is he a fool no good for nothing?
is he victorious?
is he successful?
is he joyful?
is he said? i
s he depressed?
is he fearful?
is he timid?
I had to ask my self all those questions few years ago (when I reached the bottom of the pit) and a study in his life changed my life forever.
Because in everydown moment I reminded my self that
"as He is so am I in this world" 1John4:17

Jesus had no sence of failure! He had no sence of infiriority complex!
He was never in debt!
He was fearles in threatening situations!
He was an absolute ruler over the forces of nature!
He had no sence of guilt! He had no sence of shame!
He had no sence of condemnation!
He was never sick!
He was master over satan and every demonic force!
He was a master of success!
He had wisdom and knew what to do in every situation!
He had mountain moving faith!
He was kind loving and compassionate!
He was in right standing with GOD!
And as He is so are We in this world!
Yes friend you are all special!
The reason that some times we dont see ourselves in that light is because many times we have the wrong people in our boat ( our mind, that has been programed by the wrong doctrings) and we have to throw them overboard!
Nothing is impossible for Him who believes!

Blessings Bianca”

1 comment:

Bridgeta said...

Your work has already been successful with me-tonight.All weekend my right ankle has been stiff and lazy and I was thinking dark things about my health, as I haven't been feeling well for the last few years and no one can find anything wrong with me..may be hormones..anyway...I read your ankel story and it's your right ankle and it touched me that after rec'ing your email and coming to your site, that I was directed through you to remember to let Jesus into my heart and soul and not over there as an idol to pray to...but to let him all the way in and have a relationship with him not for him. Does that make sense. Thank you! God Bless.