Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hi Friend

Once a pastor told me that the Bible was a book of sorrows.

That made me fearful of God ,angry towards God, and for many years I believed that God had something against me, since my life was going from bad to worse.

Latter on, at my old church, when I was very sick, and doctors could not helped me, I was told that God has His plans for us we dont know what HE will do, and so on.

At that point the Holy spirit was speaking to me through Mark 11:22 /23/24
So Jesus answered and said "Have faith in God.
For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain,
'Be removed and be cast into the sea',
and does not doubt in His heart, but believes that those things he says will be done,
he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you, Whatever things You ask when You pray, Believe that You receive them, and You Will Have Them.

Unfortunatly when I shared that, I was told that "only if it is thy will" for me to be healed then I was going to receive healing.
Some times we dont know, after all many great man and women died.

I ran away from that church, I didnt want to hear anything else. I was sick I needed help to receive healing, and all my hopes were crushed.

I rememer how I cried to God with tears, and with all the strenght I had left to help me.
I am glad that He answered me, by sending brother Jerry Savell to minister His true word to me, and teached me about a God of love that I new nothing about,so today you can read my testimony.
Because I received my healing four years ago through faith!And now I help others to receive theirs.

God is a God of love He send Jesus so He can carry our cross,our suffering,our pain,our sicknesses and our sorrows, our poverty, on his body so we dont have to.

But for some strange reason this massage is not getting through.If people believe that all good and bad things are from God then Satan has won the victory.

How can you have faith in a father who send you your problem.

Many people are dying believing that they suffer for God.
God is a healer,if you believe He is.
God is a loving father and my mission is to tell people about His love and His graceful and merciful heart.

Today people are runing away from God because they dont know that God loves them.
He is not the problem maker, but He is the problem solver.
He does not bring cancer or heart failures, financial problems,he does not steal our kids,he does not send storms, this are the devils work.He takes the bad and He turn them to good if we believe.

Jesus said the thief does not come except to steal, and to kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.John 10:10


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

How to find balance in our multitask lifestyles

It was an eye opening experience when I discovered that the only bussiness that produce steady growth lately are the pharmaceutical companies!
Does that tells us anything?????
I believe that in order to live a life of peace and joy there has to be a balance in our six major areas bussiness ,family,social,physical,mental,and spiritual.
We must plan our time and walk in our plan!
Broken homes,stress,anxiety,confussion,failing bussiness, are all the result of an unbalanced lifestyle.
Many peoples lives and up in a mess because they are searching to find what they already possess within themselves but they cant see it.

Personaly I value peace of mind and rest in all areas and the only way that has been achived is by prioritizing,planing and walking in love and peace.
When the mind is at rest ideas flow easy, projects are completed, tasks are accomplished,marriages thrive,joy overflow and health is at its uttermost!

King Solomon was the wisest man ever lived yet he wrote the following. I accomplished great things.
I built myself houses and planted vineyards,
I planted gardens and orchards...
I dug ponds to irrigate them ,
I bought many slaves ....
I owned more livestock than anyone else ...
I also piled up silver and gold from royal treasuries of the land I ruled,
Man and women sang to entertain me,
and I had all the women a man could want 750 wives and 250 concubines.
Anything I wanted I got ,
I did not deny myself any pleasure...
then I thought about all...it was like chasing the wind.
He said the best thing a man can do is to enjoy what has been given.
His focus was on himself and what he wanted,
even though he had wisdom, selfishness and greed controled his life.

Selfishenes and greed are highly distractive and I believe they are the force behind this hectic multitask lifestyle of todays society in many peoples lives.

In order to achive success our life should be balanced and totaly adjusted in all of the six major areas. and also we must be greatful and appreciate the value of each brand new day.
Because each day is a gift that many times we take for granted and dont appreciate its value.
Each moment that passes by is another moment less in our lives!

Be at rest and be blessed

How can we increase self confidence

I often thought if I had one question to ask God about others
"I would ask Him to reveal to me what is the best way to help people discover the greatness they behold in their hearts because most people dont recognize how special they are!

We are all unique one of a kind and that alone makes us all special!
The word of God says we are God's own masterpiece created in Christ Jesus.
Ephesians 2:10 Chosen and predestined!
Blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!
and one of my favorites "As Christ is so are we in this world"
How is Christ?
is He sick?
is he poor?
is he wise?
is he a fool no good for nothing?
is he victorious?
is he successful?
is he joyful?
is he said? i
s he depressed?
is he fearful?
is he timid?
I had to ask my self all those questions few years ago (when I reached the bottom of the pit) and a study in his life changed my life forever.
Because in everydown moment I reminded my self that
"as He is so am I in this world" 1John4:17

Jesus had no sence of failure! He had no sence of infiriority complex!
He was never in debt!
He was fearles in threatening situations!
He was an absolute ruler over the forces of nature!
He had no sence of guilt! He had no sence of shame!
He had no sence of condemnation!
He was never sick!
He was master over satan and every demonic force!
He was a master of success!
He had wisdom and knew what to do in every situation!
He had mountain moving faith!
He was kind loving and compassionate!
He was in right standing with GOD!
And as He is so are We in this world!
Yes friend you are all special!
The reason that some times we dont see ourselves in that light is because many times we have the wrong people in our boat ( our mind, that has been programed by the wrong doctrings) and we have to throw them overboard!
Nothing is impossible for Him who believes!

Blessings Bianca”

Is there such thing as failure?

It is only a failure if the person gives up, and drops dead!

One of my favorite verses from the Bible is "Rejoice not against me,O mine enemy when I fall I shall arise!" Micah 7:8
For those with a dream and desire it is only a set back ,an opportunity for growth, a step before victory, but unfortunatly many people give up to easy and fear keeps them in bondage for life. The children of Israel saw themselves as grasshopers therefore they spend forty years with Moses and died in the wilderness! It is a matter of perception!
Blessings Bianca”

My answers on the financial crisis

“The just shall live by faith!

Hi friend, today I am going to talk about my views on the current financial crisis.

I believe that this situation will change when the leaders at the top get themselves strait and start talking positive instead of a doom future!

How can they gain consumer confidence when all they see is doom and gloom!

Fear breeds fear and any decisions made in fear are doomed for failure!
Fear is the result of focusing on the current circumstances and make decisions according to what we see now

The Word of God says"That if we faint in the day advercity our strength is small"
One of the greatest qualities of a leader is to be a visionary able to project rebirth out of the ashes!
Solid vision keeps everyone on track, chaos reigns wherever the vision lapses and that is the problem at present!

A leader will either cause people to thrive or to groan.

The problem is fear, and the leaders at present are talking and expecting crisis, instead of a breakthrough !
Jesus said we will have whatsoever we say and how true His words are!”
Leaders fainting in the day of advercity their strength is small!
Fear is contageous it spreads like a plague.

The world needs faithful leaders not fearful leaders!
When Leaders are fearful about the economic future, those who look up at them will hold to their resources.
As a result production slows down for lack of demand, corporations fail and people lose their jobs and we end up with economic disaster.

The world is in need of Leaders who dont abuse power.
Leaders who lead their people into a cause and not into confussion.
Leaders who focus on the wellbeing of their corporation, the people, their nation, and the world rather then themselves.

Leaders with a vision,who see a great future, speak about a great future, and bring about a great future!

Mature leaders whose foundation of success is based on honesty and integrity!



Saturday, October 11, 2008

Life is a race!

As I was watching Lowndesy comming through the winners lap for the third year in a row and win the bathurst 1000 race today, tears flooded my eyes as I recalled all the races the Lord helped me to win the last four years.
My wounds were many when the Lord opened His arms and held me tight .......both physical and emotional....my life was a highway of failures....relationships....bussiness....love...marriage.,...ill health....unfulfilled desires...divorce, lonliness....rejection, pain......so much pain....

Where do I start.......my life the last four years is a miracle after a miracle and many of you have watched and are witness of them.
*The Lord has turned my tests into a testimony,
*My tears into miles of smiles
*The pain into joy
*the fears into faith
*the sorrows into contentment
*stress into peace
*failure into success
from strenght to strenght and each day from fulness to overflow of blessings love and prosperity in abundance!
I am blessed beyond measure! Thank you Lord!
I learned to forgive, to love those who hurt me and to pray for them because they are in real need of prayer that hatred in their heart is killing them and they are not aware of it!

I remember brother Jerry once he said "find yourself in the bible" and one of the places I found myself was in the following verses.

"Now remember what you were, my brothers, when God called.From the human point of view few of you were wise or powerful or of high social standing but GOD purposely chose what the world considers nonsence in order to shame the wise and He chose what the world considers weak in order to shame the powerful"
1Corinthians1: 26-27
Thats right friends, one of those foolish people was me, rejected, trodent down, used and abused
I have no college education to boast about My only PHD is "pray heal deliver"in the name of Jesus!
Not even in my wildest dream I could of thought that God would send such wonderful teachers and mentors in my life!
And not just in one area but in every area of life.
Healing, Wisdom,Counseling, Relationships, Money, Deliverance,Making wise decisions and the list goes on ..........

Lord I said last year, you said whatever I ask in your name you will do it for me, so my joy can be complete, please heal my right foot so I can wear high heal shoes like other women.......few weeks latter that stiff foot bend again supernaturaly....now I wear high heals all the time because this is another test that was turned in to a testimony!

Yes friends life is a race we dont give up we trust we believe we persevear and we win! yes we win because with God for us who can be against us!

Remember friends the golden rules of success
*We never ever compromise.. the one who does has lost already!
*Never make decisions out of fear!
*never accept a promotion or a new position because of money or prestige title, that opportunity may turned out to be the greatest curse in your life!
*When people reject you it is not because you are inferior but because you are superior!
Never try to please others because of guilt Jesus has set us free!
*If you are unhappy where you are get out of it!
*Ask believe and receive God wants His children to be happy and free, He send His son to set us free!
*Dont try to live a second best life Jesus came so you can live life in abundance to the full till it overflows!
*Are you living it?
*If not who is stealing your joy?
*The Son has set you free whom are you a slave to and why?

Walk with boldness strength and courage cause "the Lord is for you who can be against you" and remember "no weapon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that will rise up against you in judgement will be condemned"..."for the Lord will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated infront of your face!"


email biancamartini2003@yahoo.com.au