There is no greater curse then the bondage of unforgiveness.Once you fall under its captivity it has the power to transform your life into ruins.I have a personal experience of its destruction.And living under that curse was not a pleasent experience indeed.
There are many reasons why unforgiveness is destructive, and thats because if you were to search in an unforgiving heart you will discover that when unforgiveness made the decision to take permanent residence in it, invited all its cousins for company.
You will find jelousy and pride with it and miss envy is there to, and we can't forget hatred,or covetousness, condemnation, guilt and fear either.OOHHH what a crop of failure ever so ready to produce disaster in every area of a persons life that invades.
My dear friends unforgiveness opens the door wide for the curse in your life ,and there is nothing good about the curse.And if my friend you have difficulty receiving whatsover you desire according to Mark 11:24 then maybe the answer is found in Mark 11: 25.
Mark 11:24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them and you shall have them.
25 And whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone, forgive him that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses .But if you do not forgive, neither will your father in heaven forgive your trespasses.
Personaly the curse is not my favourite chapter in the bible and I am glad and rejoice each time I read Galatians 3:13 "Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us."
But Bianca you said that Christ has redeemed us from the curse.
Friend you are Correct! And He has forgiven your sins also,so if He has suffered on the cross and forgiven your sins, why cant you forgive another?
We have no right to harbour unforgiveness and rejecting people from our lives "He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.Luke 10:16 according therefore to those words of Jesus, when we cut of a person from our life because we are offended, we exclude Jesus from our life, because anything we do to another, we do it to Jesus simultaneously.
But you don't know Bianca what they did to me.
Correct again friend I dont know what they did to you, but this I know,our rebelion and disobedience has sent Jesus on the cross. Have they crucified you?
No, but It feels as if they had Bianca.
Correct again, because you deliberately are refusing to extend to others what God has extended to you..Forgiveness
Forgiveness is God's only answer to the problem and He will never compromise.
Below is what Jesus had to say about it.
You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me.Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?And his master was angry, and delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due to him.
So my Heavenly Father also will do to you if each of you, from his heart, does not forgive his brother his trespasses.Mathew 18:32-35
Unforgiveness is the trap of the enemy, which he uses to lure you unto the curse of disobedience, so he can rule and reign in your life, because his aim is to kill your dreams,steal your peace and eventually lead you unto a path that will destroy your life completely.
You will never find peace, love, joy ,contentment or fullfilment,if unforgiveness contaminates your heart,you will never be able to make the right decisions, your relationships will not prosper ,your productivity at work or bussiness will be affected as a result. Because unforgiveness divides your mind and most of the time opens the door for many sicknesses and diseases to devour your body.
Holding unforgiveness towards another is wrong in the eyes of God!
It is impossible that no offences should come ;but wow to Him through whom they do come....Take heed to yourselves.If your brother sins against you rebuke Him and if he repents forgive him.And if he sins against you seven times in a day and seven times in a day returns to you, saying, I repent, you shall forgive Him.Luke 17:1/3-4
Then Peter came to Him and said"Lord how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him?Up to seven times?
Jesus said to him, "I do not say to you, up to seven times, but seventy times seven."Mathew18:21-22
Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way.First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.
Friend whoever you are ,You are stronger then the spirit of pride and you can overcome it. God through Jesus has given you the power to overcome, because God loves you, and He wants to bless you. He wants you to succeed ,He wants you to live a life of Joy and peace. God is life and in Him there is no darkness.And this is His personal message for you today.
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days.Deuteronomy30:19-20
There is a cure for unforgiveness,Its called "forgive others as God has forgiven you and the love of Jesus will transform your life as he has transformed mine.
Below is your plan for the battle that you need to follow to defeet your vicious enemy, and if you follow it will set you free from its captivity forever.The Lord gave us this plan and it works all the time by those who have followed it, because its designed to bring success every time.
1)Ask God to forgive you
2)Forgive those who hurt you and Go and make peace with them
3)When you do, please don't mention the issue (what they did to you and how they hurt you
because thats not forgiveness.Forgiveness is a gift from your heart towards another without conditions. FOR-GIVE ! Mark Twain said "Forgiveness is the scent of the violet shed on the heal that crushed it"
Simply say "Please forgive me I was wrong I am sorry let us be in peace" and leave the rest to God.
4)Start pray for them and ask God to bless them beyond measure in every area of their lives.
If you do that, you won the greatest battle in your life. You conquered the most vicious enemy "Pride"and all the rest of his team, his sister envy, his cousin jelousy and her sister hatred with brother bitterness.You have also conquered the spirit of fear, and the spirit of heaviness that have kept you in bondage, and you did it by the power of God in few simple words "Please forgive me I was wrong I am sorry"
Father in the name of Jesus I pray that your spirit of wisdom and revelation will enlighten the hearts of my brothers and sisters who the enemy have kept in bondage through unforgiveness, and are reading this message right now.
Father I pray that they will be strenghten with might through His Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith that they shall be rooted and grounded in love and may be able to comprehend how great is the love of Christ towards them, soften their hearts I pray, empower them, and lead them to forgive and reconcile with all whom they have been separated, because the spirit of pride has kept them in bondage through unforgiveness.
Satan In the name of Jesus by His power and under His authority I bind your spirit of pride that has been keeping my friend in bondage through unforgiveness, and I command you to let them Go free, in the name of Jesus.Father in the name of Jesus I loosen love, I loosen compassion, I loosen joy, I loosen peace, as reunions are taking place according to the words of Jesus, that whatever I bind on earth, He will bind in heaven, and whatever I louse on earth, He will loose in heaven,In Jesus name amen.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Power of believing! Part two
A little boy one's said" My dad is so strong ,he can move the car, my dad can run so fast, he can win any race, my dad can climb any mountain if he wants to.......but my dad thinks he cant!
The little boy believed in his dad, his dad was his hero, unfortunately the dad didn't believe in himself
According to the dictionary believe means to be confident about something.To be confident about something means to be convinced, to be totally persuaded about something, without any doubt whatsoever.
That "you know,that you know"
In Mathew 7:14 Jesus said to go through the narrow gate "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Therefore Friend when you are aiming to achive something your focus must be constantly on "your narrow gate" the final outcome, the fulfilment of the promise in order to achive your goal .It is then, and only then, that the succesful outcome will spring forth, and that's difficult without knowing what the word of God says about it.
Our answer to every wish and every desire is in the word of God.The revelation that we receive from the word- negative or positive- will be based upon our belief system.
Friends "We need to believe the word of God".We need to believe that it is God's will for us to live a healthy and prosperous life in every area, because Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law according to Galatians 3:13 , and we are blessed!
We dont belong in the curse- unless we rebel,and allow our heart to be filled with pride and greed,and be ungreatful and unloving, uncaring,and live the way the world lives, in worry, doubt and unbelief.Or let fear to rule and reign in our life,and get ourselves in strife, refuse to forgive and ask for forgiveness then we deserve the curse, because it was our choice.And I have a personal experience of what it likes and it was not a pleasant experience either.
But I am ever so greatful that Jesus came to my rescue when I called Him in that dark hour of my life and saved me! His love changed my heart, He cleansed me by His blood, wiped away all my sins,and blessed my life forever!
Yes friend the curse is not for the saved, but for the children of disobedience -which I was one in the past.We are blessed, and blessed people believe the word, and those who believe know they have to hold on to the word.
The word of God is our sword, and we need our sword
"we have to fight the good fight of faith"
Yes there is a fight.
We fight doubts,
We fight fears,
We fight wrong ways of thinking,
We fight strongholds,
We fight low self esteem,
We fight what we see in order to allow God to bring forth the supernatural that we cant see, and have no proof other then our belief in a word. The word of God.
His word has such a power in it to change any situation, to bring restoration, healing and any promise we are looking forward to it, because it always brings life if we dont give up!
"Your succeess in life is based upon the measure of your belief!"
Mark 11 :22-24 NKJV So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you,whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them.
The Weymouth translation of the above verse "That is why I tell you, as to whatever you pray and make request for,If you believe that you received it it shall be yours."
Our revelation from the word is based upon our capasity to believe. And if there was a time to stand on the word and fight the good fight of faith, it's now, with all the economic meltdowns, pandemic flu's and all kinds of natural disasters around the world, For if we dont give up we win all the time!
"If you can believe ,all things are possible to him who believes"Mark 9:23
The little boy believed in his dad, his dad was his hero, unfortunately the dad didn't believe in himself
According to the dictionary believe means to be confident about something.To be confident about something means to be convinced, to be totally persuaded about something, without any doubt whatsoever.
That "you know,that you know"
In Mathew 7:14 Jesus said to go through the narrow gate "Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Therefore Friend when you are aiming to achive something your focus must be constantly on "your narrow gate" the final outcome, the fulfilment of the promise in order to achive your goal .It is then, and only then, that the succesful outcome will spring forth, and that's difficult without knowing what the word of God says about it.
Our answer to every wish and every desire is in the word of God.The revelation that we receive from the word- negative or positive- will be based upon our belief system.
Friends "We need to believe the word of God".We need to believe that it is God's will for us to live a healthy and prosperous life in every area, because Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law according to Galatians 3:13 , and we are blessed!
We dont belong in the curse- unless we rebel,and allow our heart to be filled with pride and greed,and be ungreatful and unloving, uncaring,and live the way the world lives, in worry, doubt and unbelief.Or let fear to rule and reign in our life,and get ourselves in strife, refuse to forgive and ask for forgiveness then we deserve the curse, because it was our choice.And I have a personal experience of what it likes and it was not a pleasant experience either.
But I am ever so greatful that Jesus came to my rescue when I called Him in that dark hour of my life and saved me! His love changed my heart, He cleansed me by His blood, wiped away all my sins,and blessed my life forever!
Yes friend the curse is not for the saved, but for the children of disobedience -which I was one in the past.We are blessed, and blessed people believe the word, and those who believe know they have to hold on to the word.
The word of God is our sword, and we need our sword
"we have to fight the good fight of faith"
Yes there is a fight.
We fight doubts,
We fight fears,
We fight wrong ways of thinking,
We fight strongholds,
We fight low self esteem,
We fight what we see in order to allow God to bring forth the supernatural that we cant see, and have no proof other then our belief in a word. The word of God.
His word has such a power in it to change any situation, to bring restoration, healing and any promise we are looking forward to it, because it always brings life if we dont give up!
"Your succeess in life is based upon the measure of your belief!"
Mark 11 :22-24 NKJV So Jesus answered and said to them, "Have faith in God"For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, Be removed and be cast into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you,whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them.
The Weymouth translation of the above verse "That is why I tell you, as to whatever you pray and make request for,If you believe that you received it it shall be yours."
Our revelation from the word is based upon our capasity to believe. And if there was a time to stand on the word and fight the good fight of faith, it's now, with all the economic meltdowns, pandemic flu's and all kinds of natural disasters around the world, For if we dont give up we win all the time!
"If you can believe ,all things are possible to him who believes"Mark 9:23
The Power Of Believing! part one
A little boy one's said" My dad is so strong ,he can move the car, my dad can run so fast, he can win any race, my dad can climb any mountain, my dad can cross the deepest river,yes I know my dad can!.......but my dad thinks he cant!
The little boy believed in his dad, his dad was his hero, unfortunately the dad didn't believe in himself.
Our confidence level is measured according to our belief.Our character is shaped by our believes.There is an enormous power in believing.
Nothing can stop a person who believes from achiving.Mountains can be moved, dead relationships can be resurrected,the sick can be healed the lost can be found, and the poor can accumulate great wealth.
People believed in Jesus's healing power, and they received Healing Mathew 4:24 Then His fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon- possessed,epiliptics, and paralitics; and He healed them .
But the opposite of this happened in another scripture Mark 6:4-6 But Jesus said to them,"A prophet is not without honor except in His own country, among his own relatives, and in His own house Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them, and He marvelled because of their unbelief.
WOW thats powerful, thats very powerful friends. Unbelief can even stop the power of God from bringing forth a miracle.
What we see in those scriptures is two different kinds of beliefs. The first group believed Jesus could, the second kind believed he couldn't.
Friends believing in the word of God many times is like swimming upstream.Being positive that something is so, when all evidence proves against it can be hard, because we are living in a negative world and believing comes from the heart and the heart will always produce whatever is full of everytime!
We are created beings, made in the image of God who is our father.Whatever we believe in our heart will come out of our mouth and Jesus said "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.And our words forced by the power of our beliefs will either bring forth good things or evil things.
Friend What is in your heart in abundance?
Is it faith or fear?
Worry or peace?
Saddness or joy ?
Love or hate?
Forgiveness or wrath?
Success or failure?
Lack or abundance?
Poverty or prosperity?
There is power in believing Friend, and the nature of this power whether negative or positive, will be clearly evident in your life right now, by the production of its fruits, that you either enjoy or dread right now!
The little boy believed in his dad, his dad was his hero, unfortunately the dad didn't believe in himself.
Our confidence level is measured according to our belief.Our character is shaped by our believes.There is an enormous power in believing.
Nothing can stop a person who believes from achiving.Mountains can be moved, dead relationships can be resurrected,the sick can be healed the lost can be found, and the poor can accumulate great wealth.
People believed in Jesus's healing power, and they received Healing Mathew 4:24 Then His fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon- possessed,epiliptics, and paralitics; and He healed them .
But the opposite of this happened in another scripture Mark 6:4-6 But Jesus said to them,"A prophet is not without honor except in His own country, among his own relatives, and in His own house Now He could do no mighty work there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them, and He marvelled because of their unbelief.
WOW thats powerful, thats very powerful friends. Unbelief can even stop the power of God from bringing forth a miracle.
What we see in those scriptures is two different kinds of beliefs. The first group believed Jesus could, the second kind believed he couldn't.
Friends believing in the word of God many times is like swimming upstream.Being positive that something is so, when all evidence proves against it can be hard, because we are living in a negative world and believing comes from the heart and the heart will always produce whatever is full of everytime!
We are created beings, made in the image of God who is our father.Whatever we believe in our heart will come out of our mouth and Jesus said "Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.And our words forced by the power of our beliefs will either bring forth good things or evil things.
Friend What is in your heart in abundance?
Is it faith or fear?
Worry or peace?
Saddness or joy ?
Love or hate?
Forgiveness or wrath?
Success or failure?
Lack or abundance?
Poverty or prosperity?
There is power in believing Friend, and the nature of this power whether negative or positive, will be clearly evident in your life right now, by the production of its fruits, that you either enjoy or dread right now!
Friday, October 23, 2009
We need the word!
If we ever want to succeed in life, if wholeness is important to us, if we want our lives to be prosperous in all areas, our relationships to bloom, our business to be fruitful and if we desire a life filled with peace joy and prosperity, we need the word!
Friend I lived lost and I lived saved, and saved is better!
Friend I lived poor and I lived rich, and rich is better!
Friend I lived sick and I lived healthy, and healthy is better!
Friend I lived in strife and I lived in peace, and peace is better!
Friend I lived rejected lonely and forsaken and I lived wanted, respected and deeply loved, and wanted respected and deeply loved is better!
Friend I lived in fear and without fear, and without fear is better!
Friend I lived with stress, worry, and uncertainty, and I lived with joy, assurance and trust, and joy assurance and trust is better!
Friend I lived without the word and with the word, and with the word is better!
My great teacher and mentor Brother Copland said "One word from God can change your life forever!'
There was a time in my life however when I first heard those statements that those things meant nothing to me.I couldn't understand the word and couldn't comprehend the word.
It sounded that Brother Copland was speaking a foreign language.Faith didn't make any sence to me, and it shouldn't anyway, because faith has nothing to do with the senses, if it did, it wouldn't be faith.
I couldn't comprehend how the words in the bible could be my sword of the spirit, or how to get it in my mouth and in my heart, or how it could dwell in me richly.
I had trouble understanding what I was reading and memorizing verses meant nothing to me.There was no revelation and without revelation there is no information, and with no information there is no progress!
Like Joshua I had to meditate or ponder on the word day and night, for then I would be prosperous the bible says, and then I would be succesful.
But friends the word of God indeed has the power to change your life forever, because it changed mine!
Why is the word of God so important, and why we need it?
I am glad you asked friend, I am glad you asked!
Because without the word there is no faith "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"Romans 10:17
And we need faith to be saved.
We need faith to receive answer for our prayers.
We need faith to receive healing.
We need faith for wisdom.
We need faith to dominate the financial realm.
We need faith for our children.
We need faith to come against our adversery.
We need faith to receive revelation.
We need faith to succeed in relationships, but most important
We need faith because "Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that God exists and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him"
And friend if we can't please God we can't expect to receive anything from Him,because we need faith in order to contact God!We need faith! And no word means no faith!
We need the word in order to overcome temptations, tests and trials.
We need the word to resist the devil.
We need the word to speak to our mountains of lack, sickness, fears, doubts or whatever they may be, and command them to move.
We need the word because "Jesus is the word"friend, and Jesus said without Him we can do nothing! Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith!
John 1:1says "In the beggining was the Word, and the Word was with God
3 All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made.
4 In Him was life and the life was the light of men.5 And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it............14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
John 15:7 Jesus said "IF you abide in me, and my words abide in you,you will ask what you desire, and it will be done for you.By this my Father will be glorified, that you bear much fruit, so you will be my disciples.
And John 14:12 Jesus said"Most assuredly ,I say to you, he who believes in Me the works that I do he will do also; and greater then these he will do because I go to the father.And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the father may be glorified in the Son.If you ask anything in my name, I will do it."
Wow what a promise Jesus gave us, but we need faith to believe it, so we can receive it!
And no word means no faith.
But Bianca I dont believe in God.Then friend I will pray for you because you definately need the word, you are living in darkness and I wonder how great is that darkness.
There is no lasting success friend without Jesus.I lived without Him and I know the difference He brought into my life.There was no joy, no lasting happiness, no peace and certainly no wholeness.Iwas always in need of something, always incomplite in some area of my life.
Without Jesus I failed in marriage, my bussiness provided money but at the expence of a loss in some other area, because without Jesus there is no real love, and without Jesus there is no peace.Because it is Jesus who bestowed peace upon us.
"John 14:27 WEY translation, "Peace I leave with you, my own peace I give to you,it is not as the world gives its greetings that I give you peace.Let not your heart be troubled or dismayed."
Without Jesus we can never overcome the world.
Jesus said in John 16:33 "I have spoken all this to you in order that in me you have peace. In the world you have affliction.But keep up your courage:I have won the world."
We need the word in order to fight the GOOD fight of faith friend and you know why this fight is good?Because we win all the time!
With Jesus for us who can be against us?
Therefore friend, lets shout with joy, lets give thanks unto God, for He always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus, and makes us manifest through us the savor of His knowledge in every place!
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