Saturday, March 21, 2009

Perfect Love?

Hi friends,
Have you ever wondered what is love? Or is love important in my life?And if love is important, then why?
Friend in order to answer those questions correctly we must first understand what love realy is.
Personally I have developed a method that has helped me a lot in analyzing a subject.My method is based in finding out first what my subject is not.Therefore since our subject today is on love lets find out what love is not first.

Love is not a romance, even though millions of people erroneously think it is!Romance is a part of love, but romance in it self is not love.

Love is not a sexual attraction, yet millions of people by erroneously thinking that it is, have based their relationships and binded themselves into a covenant of marriage as a result of it.The covenant of marriage includes it, and it is a part of love, but in itself sexual attraction is not Love.

Love is not a feeling ,Love is not a thought, and Love is not an emotion, even though thoughts, feelings, and emotions, can be used as an expression to demonstrate our Love towards others, on their own they are not Love.

Love is not a weakness, the power of Love is unmeasurable.Only Love can stand trials and persecutions beyond measure, and return from the battle victorious every time.And for this reason, Love is not a taker,and therefore Love is not a manipulator because Love is not conditional.
A manipulator is a person that lacks self confidence, therefore he/she uses manipulating tactics to keep others in bondage and gain, power.We see that happening in relationships of all kinds and in every area, affecting peoples lives and sometimes totaly destroying them as a result.
So what is Love?
Friend, According to the Bible Love is a gift from God,and Love is the character of God!1John 4:7"Beloved let us love one another, for love is of God;and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.He who does not love does not know God, for God is love."
True love never ends! People give up what they thought was love!

"Love is patient and kind.
Love is not jealous or boastful, it is not arrogant or rude.
Love does not insist on its own way, it is not irritable or resentful.
Love is not happy with evil but is happy in the truth.
Love bears all things, believes all things, endures all things!
Love never gives up!And its faith hope and patience never fails!
1Corinthians 13
The easiest way to test your love for another is to ask yourself ,if you are willing to step aside for their happiness!
Jesus said this is how we know if we love another, if we are willing to give our life for them!
For love is not conditional.Love gives when it does not receive!
John15:13"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down ones's life for his friends"

My friends nothing worthwhile can sustain itself in the absence of true Love.
A marriage without Love is nothing more then a dead marriage.A job without Love is nothing but a bondage.A trip without Love is a boradom.A home without Love is a gaol..Money without Love are useless, and behind every problem, in every situation you will be faced in life, you will find that the root cause of it, is the absence of love.

Only love can bring joy in every situation, and add a smile into a persons face.

Love can bring healing and prosperity in every area of your life, because love can cause a ressurection to come forth out of the ashes!
Yes friend, Love is the greatest motivator that exists!
We do things for love that we never do for money!
And the absence of it leads to hopelessness every time for nothing can survive without Love.
Because Love is the life of God that sustain us and with it it brings, trust, joy, contentment and the peace that surpasses all understanding in our lives.

Love is a giver!Yes Love gives even when it does not receive, because only Love has the ability and the power to forgive!Jesus said "Father forgive them...." He was talking for those who were nailing Him on the cross
"This is why love never fails".

The greatest example of love and forgiveness that Jesus gave us we will find in the parable of the prodigal son in Luke15:20.....And when his father saw him from faraway he ran to him with open arms!

That tells us that love respects the persons wishes and lets the person free, but love waits expectantly for his return.....with open arms!
LOVE indeed HAS BIG ARMS,we call them cuddles and bearhugs.

Mother Teressa once said that millions of people die for lack of food-just a cup of rice but sadly she said millions more die for lack of love!

My dear friends, our problem in todays society is not financial, even though it may appear to be on the surface.
Our problem today is the absence of love that has allowed fear to take control.
Because fear is the opposite of love according to the bible.
1John4:18 "There is no fear in love;for perfect love casts out all fear, because fear involves torment.But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."
People all over the world at present are fearful of losing their job, their homes or other assets, but when truly investigated the root of the problem is lack of love from the corporation towards its people.
My friends each time I place my eyes at the cross I see a demonstration of perfect Love.
My Saviour who gave His life up for me, and became the propitiation for my sins, carried my sorrows, my sicknesses, my pains,and every curse and calamity upon His body because He loved me first.
I am reminded that for me He was bruised, and denied, His was bitten and niled at the cross crucified for my sins, so now I can walk in the light, made whole purified, because by the blood of my Lord I am redeemed!"

"For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.For God did not send His Son to condemn the world but to save him!"John3:16


Monday, March 16, 2009

Honesty and integrity the foundation of true success!

Hi there friends,

Is honesty and integrity a realy important attribute in order to sustain a long lasting success in life?In bussiness? in relationships?

One has to look at what has been happening lately in the world financial markets and in marriage relationships to answer for it self.

Will leaders learn how to control money and greed, instead of money and greed controling them?
Will couples enter a covenant of marriage for the right reasons?
Will the whats in it for me attitude, ever change?

Money has power but uncontrolled power will destroy a person!Money are not evil and it is nothing wrong with having money but been possessed by money its the root of all evil!Today our society has moved in the site of corruption,. Moral values have changed.People with power try building business with fraud, and integrity and honesty no longer considered as an important part in their lives, but the suddenly always arrives at some stage and how great is that fall!

Infidelity has become a plague. The marriage bed has been defiled by many, and with the help of the internet the door to sexual imorality has been opened wide.It has been a common pass time for married businessman/women, to find a lover on the internet.Unfortunatly that path always leads to distraction!

Proverbs 6:32 says "Whoever commits adultery with a women/man lacks understanding;He who does destroys his own soul.33 Wounds and dishoner he will get, and his reproach will not be wiped away.34for jealousy is a husbands/wives fury.Therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.35 he will accept no recompence, nor will he be appeased though you give many gifts."

Infidelity brakes the marriage appart.A marriage that is broken by infidelity can never be whole again. Its likened to a cup that has been broken, and been glued back together"You will always see the cracks".

Hebrews 13:4"Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled;but fornicators and adulterers God will judge"

Many couples have been trying to cover the damage that infidelity has cause in their relationship pretending all is well, or will be well with time, but it is like a broken cup that has been put together "you always can see the cracks"

The trouble had started way before the infidelity took place, that marriage was wrong from the start! Something was missing "God"!

Jesus said "THOSE WHO GOD PUT TOGETHER" Friends how many couples do you know who God put together?I only know of few.

Many of you who know me, have heard me say that my first marriage was arranged by my parents and the second by the devil.Yes my life was a mess because God was not in it.

Many couples had enter into marriage for the wrong reasons,they have never asked God for His advice and now they pay the price!

Some are getting divorce, some are battling ilnesses because they had just closed their eyes to the real problems, pretending in public all is well, and cried in secret for years.Now ill health has taken control and as a result -some are bitter, some are angry, some have turned into food for comfort, hating themselves even more each time they face the mirror, some are trying escape travel, but they all have one thing in common they are all unhappy because God had been excluded"

A fake smile is visible to all, it speaks one thousand words without a word spoken!

"My dear friends only "Love" breeds happiness and joy, there is no contentment without love, there is no joy without love, there is no peace without love, and many doctors believe that our emotions have a lot to do with our physical health.

Love is the greatest gift of all,because love is from God for love is God and without Him love is absent.

But love is happy with the truth and it never fails!

Yes Friends Honesty and integrity is the foundation for a successful marriage! Ephesians 5:22 says Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord

25"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.

28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies;he who loves his wife loves himself.

My advice to couples whos marriage has been shuttered because one of the partners was unfaithful is this.

You cant stay together because of the kids ,finances, or for any other reason but one.

"Wanting to spend the rest of your lives in the arms of each other with love like God intended for couples to be!"

You have two options therefore one is divorce, the other is total trust in God. That will require a lot of prayer and forgiveness from both parties .

Are you willing ?

Your marriage can be restored by the power of God ,but it will take a lots of time to build that bond of trust, it will require a lot of honest communication between you, lots of effort and understanding from both parties, and a lots of love and constant forgiveness.

It will be a new kind of relationship nothing like you had in the past, because as I said before like the broken cup that has been glued together you will always see the cracks.

Therefore each time you do, you must change your focus, turn your eyes on God and forgive all parties who contributed to the cause of the cracks.

Are you willing?

Jesus talked about the two house builders"So then anyone who hears these words of mine and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain poured down, the rivers flooded over and the wind blew hard against that house but it did not fall because it was build on rock.
but anyone who hears these words of mine and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.The rain poured down the rivers flooded over the wind blew hard against that house and it fell and what a terrible fall that was.

Likewise a good business cannot be sustained without honesty and integrity.

IN1923 eight man controled more wealth then there was in the US treasury!
*Arthur Cutten -the great wheat speculator
*Charles Schwab- president of the largest steel company in America
*Albert Fall- the secretary of interior in president Harding's cabinet
*Leon Fraser-The president of the bank of international Settlements
*Howard Hopson- the president of the largest gas company
*Ivar Kreuger- Head of the world's greatest monopoly
*Jesse Livermore-the great "bear" on wall street
*Richard Whitney- president of the new york Stock Exchange

These men were "movers and shakers of their time"but something was terribly wrong with this men's lives.
They new how to make money but they build their fortunes on shaky foundations.
They allowed money to control them and forgot that honesty and integrity is the solid rock foundation were long lasting success is build on it!

Twenty five years latter
*Arther Cutten was insolvent and died abroad!
*Charles Schwab, went bankrupt!
*Samuel Insull, died in foreign land penniless and a fugitive from justice!
*Howard Hopson was insane!
*Richard Whitney had just been released from Sing-Sing prison!
*Albert Fall had just been pardoned from prison and died at home, broke!
*Jesse Livermore committed suicide.
*Ivan Krueger committed suicide.
*Leon Fraser committed suicide.

In the book of proverbs we find the following
16:25 There is a way that seems right to a man but its end is the way of death"
20:7The righteous man walks in his integrity, his children are blessed after him"
22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather then great riches"
26:27 Whoever digs a pit will fall into it"
28:29 A man with an evil eye hasten after riches, and does not consider that poverty will come upon him"
20:17 Bread gained by deceit is sweet to a man,but afterwards his mouth will be filled with gravel"
21:6 Getting treasures by a lying tongue is the fleeting fantasy of those who seek death"
18:11"The rich mans wealth is his strong city,and like a high wall in his own esteem"
5:22 "His own iniquities entrap the wicket man,and he is caught in the cords of his sin"
6:15 "Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly,suddenly he shall be broken withought remedy"

