My Personal TestimonyFriend I don't know who you are, I don't know what your life is like,rich or poor healthy or sick.... all I know is that if you are reading this page its for a reason!
I want to share few personal things with you.You see I had been known to my friends and all those around me as a person full of life for most of my life,but friend nobody knew the pain that I was carrying inside or the struggle I was going through!
Four years ago that struggle turned into a mount Everest of stress that affected my whole body and the doctors had no cure!I had carried wounds from childhood they multiplied in my adult years, emotional abuse sexual abuse, arrange marriage before 15 years of age, divorce, rejection, unfulfilled desires,failed bussines,hurt ,sickness.....always searching always unable to find!
I have lived very poor and also very wealthy!I stood by the side of my daughter when she almost gave short I know what pain is all about
I have lived very poor and also very wealthy!I stood by the side of my daughter when she almost gave short I know what pain is all about
But four years ago I discovered what true love is all about!
Because four years ago in the darkest hour of my life and with tears streaming down my face I said with all the strenght I had left at that time."JESUS if you are who they say you are, if you love as they say you love,if you heal as they say you do, help me please just help me heal me and save me because I cant go any more!
Friend that was my prayer of salvation, what followed and the transformation that has taken place in my life is a miracle!
*His power transformed my life!
*Divine favor opened doors !
*I received healing both emotional and physical !
*What doctors could not heal He healed it suddenly !
*He send the best teachers to educate me in different areas at different times!
*True joy and contentment replaced the fears and lonliness(you can be lonley you know even though you are surrounded by people)
*Today I live a life filled with joy, a life free of worry,a life free of fear!
Now I am helping others everywhere that are were I use to be, to come to where I am!
What JESUS did for me He will do for you if you let Him!
Will you allow Him today to show you how much He loves you?
Will you let him carry your pains of the past and let Him give you peace and rest and turn your life around like mine?
Will you give Him your fears of any kind and let Him give you his love?
Will you allow Him to heal your wounded heart and your mind?
Will you allow Him to heal your body?
Will you allow Him to bring success in every area of your life?
Will you allow Him to bring prosperity in your business and in your home?
Will you allow Him to make your dreams come true?
Will you?
Will you?
The word of God says"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved"Romans 10:
You see friend Jesus is the son of God and over 2000 years ago he came in to this earh to teach His people how to live an abundant life.This is what He said"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,Because He has anointed Me.To preach the gospel(good news)to the poor;He has send Me to heal the broken hearted To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
You see friend Jesus is the son of God and over 2000 years ago he came in to this earh to teach His people how to live an abundant life.This is what He said"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,Because He has anointed Me.To preach the gospel(good news)to the poor;He has send Me to heal the broken hearted To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind,To set at liberty those who are oppressed;To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.
He also said Come to Me all who are weary and loaded down with burdens and I will give you rest"."Mathew11:28
His love for all humans lead Him up on the cross and up there He carried our sins,our sorrows our griefs our sicknesses and our pains so we don't have to carry them any more!
He was crucified and became the sacrificial lamb because He came for us to save us!
His love for all humans lead Him up on the cross and up there He carried our sins,our sorrows our griefs our sicknesses and our pains so we don't have to carry them any more!
He was crucified and became the sacrificial lamb because He came for us to save us!
Friend He died young so we can die old.He gave His life so we may have life and to have it more abundantly to the full."For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich"2 Corinthians8:9
Yes friend and He was raised from the dead so we can overcome anything that tries to come against us!" Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven,and of those on earth, and those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father"Philippians2:9/11
Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship!You become a son of GOD and as son you are a heir to his promises!
Every promise writen in the Bible is yours!
Healing, prosperity, peace, love, joy and every good gift!
Once He comes in your life you are born again!
His power is in you!
And you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strenghtens you!
For with GOD for you who can be agaist you!
You are cleansed and pure and there is now no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST JESUS!
Because you cant fail"with GOD for you who can be against you
Healing, prosperity, peace, love, joy and every good gift!
Once He comes in your life you are born again!
His power is in you!
And you can do all things through Jesus Christ who strenghtens you!
For with GOD for you who can be agaist you!
You are cleansed and pure and there is now no condemnation for those who are in CHRIST JESUS!
Because you cant fail"with GOD for you who can be against you
The choice is yours friend HE will never force you,He gave you free will!
If you want HIM to come into your life ask HIM now say"LORD JESUS come into my life now,forgive me,cleanse me from my sins and give me a new life,I give you my pains and all my fears ,I give you my life now,make me whole LORD in every area, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit.I declare that I am now a child of GOD I 'm free from sin and full of the righteousness of GOD I am saved!
If you want HIM to come into your life ask HIM now say"LORD JESUS come into my life now,forgive me,cleanse me from my sins and give me a new life,I give you my pains and all my fears ,I give you my life now,make me whole LORD in every area, fill me with the power of your Holy Spirit.I declare that I am now a child of GOD I 'm free from sin and full of the righteousness of GOD I am saved!
"Friend if you just said that prayer you are born again your life will be transformed!
The LORD will lead you just as he lead me!
Get a Bible if you dont have one, read your Bible and He will lead you into a good Bible church where you will learn more!
If you like to write to me my email address is forward to hear from you!
The LORD will lead you just as he lead me!
Get a Bible if you dont have one, read your Bible and He will lead you into a good Bible church where you will learn more!
If you like to write to me my email address is forward to hear from you!